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Multi-Vehicle 421 Wreck Delays Traffic In Vilas On Wednesday Evening

Last Updated on May 6, 2015 8:35 pm

A multi-vehicle wreck on 421 in Vilas, just past Skateworld, closed a section of the road and caused delays early Wednesday evening.

An eyewitness on the scene told, that two vehicles were traveling in the same northbound lane when the rear car crashed into the lead car.

The lead car, a Volvo, was pushed into a Ford Ranger that was approaching in oncoming traffic. The rear car, a PT Cruiser, was traveling at a high rate of speed according to the witness.

WINGS Air Rescue was dispatched to Cove Creek School to airlift one patient, according to scanner dispatch.

Cove Creek Fire Department cleared the wreck scene at 8:34pm.

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